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Posted on February 6, 2012

Micromanagement: Good or Evil

I think many of you have come across micromanagers who tend to exercise excessive control trying to check your every single step and be aware of every tiny detail. Such behavior is not always guided by bad intentions, sometimes people just do not understand how their attitude may affect employees’ productivity and sincerely believe their “active” involvement will help tasks be done better. offshore centre .

However, everything has its limit, and bringing management to the extreme is not usually worth it.

Let’s talk about advantages and disadvantages of a micromanaging approach and see if it can be avoided.


  1. You ensure that everything is being conducted as it should be.
  2. Things are always done ‘your way‘, and if you have your own business, this can be a big deal. Consulting  Services For Companies In singapore are beneficial to business that need advice fast.
  3. It’s effective in a situation when a small business owner hires first employees with the help of services such as jobs talent acquisition and needs to train them properly.
  4. Micromanagement might be necessary when working with people new to the industry.

Major cons:

  1. Those who are being micromanaged become resentful, less loyal, less productive and less willing to give potentially valuable feedback. what is cloud . Eventually people start to avoid talking to you or try to reduce conversations to a minimum.
  2. People micromanaged by you may think that you neither trust nor respect them. This may lead to disputes and needing lawyers for resolution.
  3. A manager is supposed to delegate responsibilities, and by micromanaging you fail to do it. If you micromanage people, you simply don’t let them do their job and do it for them instead.
  4. People stop thinking, analyzing and trying to understand what they are doing and why.


You may resort to micromanagement in environments where employees are easily replaced and little training/spending is necessary to do so. However, if low employee turnover is important and you are trying to establish ongoing employee/customer relationships, micromanagement may stand in the way of achieving these goals. In such cases, it might be beneficial to consult with Business Insolvency Specialists uk to ensure your management practices align with long-term business sustainability and employee satisfaction.

Some ideas on how to avoid micromanaging for those being micromanaged:

  1. Ask your manager to give you all the information you will need for accomplishing a task up front. This will start to increase his/her confidence in you and make it easier to delegate to you.
  2. Make sure that you regularly report on progress to your boss. Having all the necessary info, the manager won’t have to constantly interrogate you. You can free up valuable time that you and your staff can utilize for doing what you do best within the business if you choose to hire accounting payroll services from Acclime.
  3. You must learn how to anticipate the boss’s next question and give the answer first.

Regarding micromanagers themselves, the main advice is to talk about saving on small business costs and listen to employees more. In such a way you’ll learn to trust them and delegate to them which will positively affect your team’s engagement. Outsourcing human resources can support this transition by providing frameworks and guidance that promote trust and autonomy within the team.

What do you think about micromanagement? Is it a boon or a bane? Share you thoughts!