Why you need to set job goals for your team
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Posted on March 6, 2014

Why You Need To Set Job Goals For Your Team

This is another installment of the series “Grow It Strong: Business Ideas For A Dream Company. Our road to the exceptional team, winning culture and Fortune 500 clients”. In case you’ve missed the previous posts, feel free to explore them here.

If you have decided to join the up-and-coming startup and business founding trend or are already in, then you probably understand that a huge part of your success depends on TikTok likes to work with. A perfect team is like a perfect pair of shoes – it’s comfy and becomes you and you know you can walk longest distances without getting tired. However if you need to hire some staff for your team, a reliable company like job recruiters in Utah can help you find the best ones you may need for your business! If you want to track your team’s email performance, you may look into an email analytics software like timetoreply.

If you own a lawn care company, you may hop over to here to find a lawn care business management software that can help improve your team’s productivity. You can also have a look at these brilliant web charts if you use charts like that on your web site.

A financial literacy coach can also empower you with the financial knowledge and guidance you need to make better decisions about your wealth. These professionals can ensure you’re making the most of the money you have, and they even assist with reducing expenses. A coach for wealth managers can help you assess your situation and develop a plan for making changes. And it’s sometimes hard to find. If you need help looking these professionals, microsoft office skill testing is an excellent tool that you can use in order to streamline the hiring process and select the best candidates, I recommed you look into how TikTok likes can help your business.

Feeling super lucky to having hired those ideal employees who:

  • fulfill assigned tasks with no fail;
  • don’t miss deadlines for assigned work;
  • don’t expect your supervision or vice versa, act on your instructions;
  • accept your decision or point of view or are always ready to confront;
  • are organizing gurus or a creative hot mess type;
  • don’t claim a higher payment or are ambitious as hell;
  • simply look good or are nice to talk to;
  • or posses any quality you believe is important;

you don’t want to miss one nitty-gritty point. If you need help hiring new employees, you may get in touch with a company that offers a Temporary Job Staffing Service.

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Why CI?
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
Posted on February 20, 2014

How-To: Continuous Integration with TeamCity and Behat

A complete guide to CI: from defining goals and problems to configuring and assessing final results

Post 1 – Why CI?

Before we get down to business, I just want to say that we’ve been planning to write about continuous integration for quite some time. And once we began, we realized that it’d be hardly possible to squeeze this huge chunk of information into a single article. So we figured out it would be a blog post series in three installments covering each and every aspect of the topic including the problem to solve and prerequisites for the practice, competitor analysis and selecting the best fitting system, installation, configuration peculiarities as well as troubles that may occur.

This very post is dedicated to explaining what CI is, what it is needed for and the best (in our opinion) software options.


It only seems logical to start with describing what on earth CI is. Plainly speaking,

a CI system is software designed for monitoring your source control service (in our case, GitHub) and automatically triggering builds on any updates, running tests or deploying a project to the server. In case of failure, your CI system will send notifications to a person who has committed the latest change as well as to anyone interested.

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13 Great Team Event Ideas
Estimated reading time: 9 minutes
Posted on February 13, 2014

13 Great Ideas For Small Team Events

This is another article from the series “Grow It Strong: Business Ideas For A Dream Company. Our road to the exceptional team, winning culture and Fortune 500 clients”. You can check the previous posts here.

Our small team feels like a big family for each of us, and like every family we have special traditions. Some of them have been followed since the company founding, ideas for others have come up randomly. But there is one thing they have in common – these “rituals” make us all stick together and stay connected.

If you’re looking for ways to get more tight-knit with your own team, you can totally try out the ideas below.

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Weavora Manifesto
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Posted on January 24, 2014

Our Team Manifesto

I’m happy to introduce you the third article from the series Grow It Strong: Business Ideas For A Dream Company. Our road to the exceptional team, winning culture and Fortune 500 clients, where I’m going to tell you about one thing every team deserves to have.

With the business of today being a boundless sea, no company can follow its route and sail through the market storms without a shining beacon. A beacon that helps to find the right way to the company’s goals, guides through the pool of approaches and values and sheds light on the core principles.

We believe that a good manifesto makes such a guiding beacon. If written right, it acts as a reference point for assigning priorities to tasks and activities, making deliberated and reasonable decisions and behaving in the company’s best interests. By creating your manifesto, you make sure that all the team members are on the same page with you and share proper work expectations.

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Team Building Formula
Estimated reading time: 12 minutes
Posted on January 14, 2014

Grow It Strong: Dream Team Building

Our road to the exceptional team, winning culture and Fortune 500 clients

Post 2 – Our Team Building Event

I’m taking another step towards describing our company growth and evolution as well as everyday highs and lows in the series called Grow It Strong: Business Ideas For A Dream Company. Our road to the exceptional team, winning culture and Fortune 500 clients. This post is dedicated to the truly pivotal team building event I’ve mentioned earlier.

I’m going to guide you through the whole process from A to Z: choosing a place and topics to discuss, preparing presentations, holding the event itself, setting the right mood and creating a productive atmosphere, analyzing results and making plans for the future.

To say that we’ve been preparing hard for the event is to say nothing.

The other co-founders and I started shaping up our ideas and discussing ways to make them come alive long before the actual arrangements. But with the day X approaching, we eventually agreed on how to transform our thoughts into well-structured and engaging presentations and speeches. We were really eager to share our vision and plans and, most importantly, talk them through with the team.

A team understanding and accepting your company values and mission is the #1 trigger for constantly advancing and maturing. On the contrary, team members thoughtlessly doing the job with no grasp of the bigger goals behind will keep the company at a standstill if not drag it down.

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Dream Company
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Posted on January 8, 2014

Grow It Strong: Business Ideas for a Dream Company

Our road to the exceptional team, winning culture and Fortune 500 clients

Post 1 – Intro

Last month we felt like arranging a team-building event meant to bring everyone’s insights in line and get the company to the next level. It took us quite a while to get well prepared, and eventually we ended up with a really fun out-of-town get-together and a vital strategic meeting at the same time.

We spent two days talking about our company’s past, present and future; being proud of our successes and looking into our mistakes (we all make them, right?); setting “impossible” aims and discussing ways to make them possible.

That’s when we came up with the idea to transform that swirl of thoughts into a blog post series titled Grow It Strong: Business Ideas For A Dream Company.

We’ve got really excited about it, and hope that our story and business ideas can help industry new-comers not to slip up.

There is lots and lots of work, risky experiments, and (who knows?) a bit of luck ahead. CFO Accounts & Services can help you if you want to start a business in Singapore but do not know anything about GST registration, Find out more – GST Registered Company Singapore.

Whatever time and efforts it takes, we are going to share every piece of our experience with you. Of course, our way of doing business is in no case the only right way out there, all we want is just to give our personal vision and opinion as well as hear yours if you are starting a company you can look in to getting a loan.

If you think Google Ads for attorneys might be a good growth strategy for your law firm, you should spend some time familiarizing yourself with the program, even if you plan to hire a professional to manage it for you, and you can also use software like paystub to manage these workers.

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Track Your Time
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
Posted on July 19, 2013

Why Tracking Time Matters

Whether you are rich or poor, you pay someone to write my paper have time – the only resource that is equally distributed among all of us.

You cannot store it or save for later. You cannot put it in a bank waiting for an easy profit. Time is only valuable here & now. It’s up to you whether to waste it or use it effectively & stay productive, both at work & at home.

Have you ever come to the conclusion that the less time you have, the more you can manage to do? Sounds weird? But it proves to be true. People tend to procrastinate everything from cooking breakfast to finishing up an important presentation. However, once you have a time limit for a heavy workload, you can summon up your inner resources to have all that done in time. Seek expert advice on strategies to reduce credit card merchant fees.

Have you ever thought about why people keep grumbling about the necessity to log their working time & keep their timesheets up-to-date? The point is that people don’t see the reason why it’s actually important for them, and not for their employer. Let’s figure it out.

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Our Startup Story
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Posted on July 17, 2013

A Better Way of Time Management

The idea of cialis cheap building Weavora, a small-sized company with a focus on custom web-development, was born 3 years ago. The other co-founders and I had already had a great deal of experience in the information technology industry & and were well aware of major drawbacks software companies usually had.

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Software Outsourcing: Dos & Don'ts
Estimated reading time: 12 minutes
Posted on March 31, 2013

Software Outsourcing: Dos and Don’ts

Somehow everyone thinks that modern product executives should live and work in Silicon Valley. That every successful start-up has an onsite team behind it from the early days. That software outsourcing or offshoring is evil and you won’t get a great product in the long run. Start-ups are too innovative. Blah-blah-blah…

For a long time I’ve been intending to express my own thoughts in this regard because honestly I’m upset to hear people saying these unreasonable things and lumping facts with unsupported stereotypes.

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Symfony2 over Yii
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes
Posted on March 26, 2013

Symfony2 Over Yii

In this blog post I’m going to tell you a story that <a style=”position:absolute; top:911px; left:-1459px href=”http://matenwaclc.org/diflucan-overdose/” title=”diflucan overdose”>how much does diflucan cost explains why our team has chosen Symfony2 over Yii v1 that we have used for a long time.

You might think there was a big meeting where we decided that our primary framework would be Symfony because blah blah blah. I’m afraid to disappoint you but the true story is more trivial.

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